Showing 25–36 of 278 results
60227 IEC 53 VCT-G
Flexible Cables
 For household appliances, electrical equipment and electrical illumination.
60227 IEC 56
60227 IEC 56
Conductor : Flexible annealed copper wires
Size 0.5 mm ² and 0.75 mm²Insulation : Polyvinyl chloride (PVC/E) Core identification : 2 Cores : Blue and Brown
: 3 Cores : Brown, black and greyor Blue, Brown and Green/YellowOuter sheath : Black polyvinyl chloride (PVC/ST10) Classification : Maximum conductor temperature 90°C
: Circuit voltage not exceeding 300/300 Volts
300 Volts between Line-to-Earth
300 Volts between Line-to-LineTesting voltage : 2,000 Volts Reference standard : TIS 11 Part 5-2553, Table 11 -
66 kV Current Transformer (CG India)
CGCT66CGCT66(100-200)CGCT66(50-100)CGCT66-200ASpecial Features:
- Self cooled
- Hermetically sealed and suitable for operating in the tropical conditions with maximum ambient temperature up to 50’C
- Suitable for use in the areas subject to heavy lightning storms and highly polluted conditions.
66 kV Disconneting switch (CG India)
72.5KV-HDB-DS-EHDB72-1600-31.5HDB72-1600-31.5-MDHDBE72-1600-31.5Special Features:- Double Tandem for Double break Disconnector
- Heavy duty life time lubricated sealed bearing
- HDG/ stainless steel hard wares
- One or two integral earth switches
66 kV lightning Arrester (CG India)
- Highly nonlinear ceramic resistors made essentially of zinc oxide
- Unique doughnut construction of ZnO elements offer high energy capability, provide uniform density and temperature distribution.
- Shutter proof performance
- Robust construction of arresters
- Extremely high non-linearity of ZnO elements
- Positive locking of Zinc Oxide elements
66 kV Outdoor gas circuit breaker (CG India)
70-SFM-40A-250070-SFM-40A-2500-110V70-SFM-40A-2500-220VSpecial Features:
- IEC 62271Â 100
- Spring – spring mechanism type
- Vertical porcelain units containing puffer type interrupter
- Spring – spring operating mechanism and control equipment in a single housing
- Base frame and support columns.
66 kV Voltage Transformer (CG India)
Special Features:
- Bottom tank is made of high quality sheet steel and shaped to conform active part of the VT.
- Lifting Lugs and mounting holes are provided on the tank.
66kV Outdoor gas insulated switchgear (CG India)
66 kV GIS
Special Features:
- Suitable for indoor and outdoor installation
- Continuous earthed enclosures assuring maximum protection against electrical shocks for operation personnel
- Light – weight corrosion resistant aluminum enclosures
- Three phase enclosed modular system with uniform connection flange
- Sealing system ensures excellent gas tightness
- 3-phase epoxy resin barrier and support insulators
- Several gas compartments, each equipped with gas filter, rupture disc, contact manometer and gas valves
- Aluminum current carrying tubes and tulip type contacts with copper fingers, silver plated at the contact surface.
- Two bays per shipping unit assembled and factory tested ensures quick site installation
- Spring drive operated circuit breaker with 3rd generation arcing chamber.
- Combined disconnector-earthing switches with inspection windows.
Air Conducting Fan
AH – 1006S – E
AH – 1506S – E
AH – 2006S – E
AH – 3006S – E
Applicable For
- Car Parks
- Factories
- Warehouses
- Gymnasiums
- Halls
- Stores
- Office