Showing 1–12 of 26 results
18/30(36) KV-CV
18/30(36) KV-CVÂ Â Â Â Â : compact and round stranded annealed copper
                     : 35 mm2 up to 1000 mm2 (Single Core)
                     : 35 mm2 up to 400 mm2 (3 Cores)
                      : Cross-linked Polyethylene (XLPE)
                     : Black Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC/ST2)
                      : Copper Tape (Shield)
                   : Maximum conductor temperature 90 Degree C
                   : Circuit voltage not exceeding 36000 V
Insulation shield layer : Semi-conducting covering remove at splices or terminals
                     : 63000 V (Testing Voltage) -
24 KV-OC
24 KV-OC Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â :Â Compacted round stranded hard drawn aluminium wires
                                           : 35 mm2 up to 185 mm2
                                           : Cross-linked Polyethylene (XLPE)
                                           : Maximum conductor temperature 90 °C
                                           : Circuit voltage not exceeding 24 KV
                                           : 11 KV (Testing Voltage)
33 KV-OC
Conductor : Compacted round stranded hard drawn aluminium wires
: Single-core : Size 35 mm² up to 185 mm²Insulation : Black Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) Core indentification : Color : Black Classification : Maximum conductor temperature 90°C
: Circuit voltage not exceeding 33,000 VoltsTesting voltage : 17,000 Volts Reference standard : ICEA S-66-524, ICEA S-93-639 -
6/10(12) KV-CV
6/10(12) KV-CVÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â : Compact and round stranded annealed copper
                         : 16 mm2 up to 1000 mm2 (Single Core)
                         : 16 mm2 up to 400 mm2 (3 Cores)
                          : Cross-linked Polyethylene (XLPE)
                          : Black Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC/ST2)
                          : Copper Tape (Sheath)
                          : Maximum conductor temperature 90 Degree C
                          : Circuit voltage not exceeding 12000 V
Insulation shield layer : Semi-conducting covering remove at splices or terminals
                 : 21000 V (Testing Voltage) -
60227 IEC 01 THW
Non-Sheathed Cables for Fixed Wiring
Building wiring for installation on insulator or in raceway, dry location.
60227 IEC 02 THW (F)
Flexible CablesÂ
60227 IEC 02 THW (F) Â Â Â Â :Â Flexible annealed copper wire
                    : 1.5 mm2 up to 240 mm2
                    : Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC/C)
                    : Any Color (Single Core)
                    : Maximum conductor temperature 70 °C
                    : Circuit Voltage not exceeding 450/750 V
                    : 2500 V (Testing Voltage)
60227 IEC 10 NYY
Sheathed Cables for Fixed Wiring
60227 IEC 10 NYYÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â :Â Solid and stranded annealed copper
                                       : 1.5 mm2 up to 10 mm2 (Solid)
                                       : 1.5 mm2 up to 35 mm2 (Stranded)
                                       : Polyvinyl chloride (PVC/C)
                                       : 2 Cores to 5 Cores
                                       : Black Polyvinyl Chloride (Inner Sheath) (PVC)
                                       : Black Polyvinyl Chloride (Outer Sheath) (PVC/ST4)
                                       : Maximum conductor temperature 70 °C
                                       : Circuit Voltage not exceeding 300/500 V
                                       : 2000 V (Testing Voltage)
60227 IEC 53 VCT
Flexible Cables
For household appliances, electrical equipment and electrical illumination.
60227 IEC 53 VCT-G
Flexible Cables
 For household appliances, electrical equipment and electrical illumination.
60227 IEC 56
60227 IEC 56
Conductor : Flexible annealed copper wires
Size 0.5 mm ² and 0.75 mm²Insulation : Polyvinyl chloride (PVC/E) Core identification : 2 Cores : Blue and Brown
: 3 Cores : Brown, black and greyor Blue, Brown and Green/YellowOuter sheath : Black polyvinyl chloride (PVC/ST10) Classification : Maximum conductor temperature 90°C
: Circuit voltage not exceeding 300/300 Volts
300 Volts between Line-to-Earth
300 Volts between Line-to-LineTesting voltage : 2,000 Volts Reference standard : TIS 11 Part 5-2553, Table 11 -